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Who are the Unity of Descendants ?

At first glance, “Unity of Descendants,” as a family name, can be hard to understand. It’s not a proper surname and it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. But, to understand its meaning and appreciate its value, you must know its origin.

The exact story is a bit of a mystery, but from what can be recalled, the idea began to take shape in the early ‘90s.  After a number of regular family get-togethers and plans for many more, there was a sense that we needed to name these gatherings. While many of us are direct descendants of John and Geneva Washington, it did not feel right to simply use a single family name. After all, there were cousins, aunts, uncles, Crowells, Boldens, Markels, and more, who were also fixtures among us. Not to mention all of the in-laws, outlaws, friends, and neighbors who had come into our lives and were as much “family” as any one of us. We wanted to capture us all; to represent our many family lines and to show our connectedness as a group. Thus, the Unity of Descendants was born.

So, who are the Unity of Descendants? We are a patchwork quilt. Individuals, families, and friends woven together by more than blood and genetics, but by time, life experiences, and most of all love. We are a network of support and a source of inspiration; a safe space to return to. We are a fiery bunch; passionate and opinionated. We are a faithful congregation; diverse and accepting. We are strong, resilient, and committed to one another’s progress.

So whether you were born in, married in, adopted in (formally or informally), or just pulled in somewhere along the way, we’re glad to have you. Know that you are loved and that no matter where you are in life, or where you go, there will always be a family for you to call your own.

Welcome home!

A Family Reunion is
a time to remember
a time to laugh
a time to celebrate
a time to share old stories
and make new memories;

A time to see each other
in the faces all around us
and find reflections of ourselves
in hearts both young and old.

A reunion is a coming together
that strengthens the bond of family
and reminds us of the gifts of belonging;

A chance to share our history
a reason to celebrate our past
a time to welcome our future,

As a family.

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Family Journal .

Recent news, events, and things worth sharing